The Environmental Control Subsystem provides a temperature- and pressure-controlled oxygen atmosphere in the LM Cabin and Crew Suits, as well as a resupply of water and oxygen for the portable life support system. It also provides temperature control for on-board electronic equipment, as well as potable water. The subsystem consists of five integrated sections: atmosphere revitalization, oxygen supply and cabin pressure control, heat transport, water management, and cold plate. The major portion of the ECS is in the pressurized equipment compartment in the Ascent Stage. A portion of the glycol loop and two gaseous oxygen tanks are in the Ascent Stage aft equipment bay. A portion of the glycol loop (battery cold plates) is also in the Descent Stage. Two ECS water tanks are in the tankage section of the Ascent Stage; a larger water tank and an oxygen tank and pressure regulator are in the Descent Stage.